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Customer Service

An answer to all your questions about the products, order processing and shipment.

TIP: Find the answer that you're looking for by choosing a category.


1. Products

  • Does offer warranty services?

  • What should I do with a damaged product?

2. Payment

3. Delivery

  • How do I know on which moment my order will be delivered?

  • The order has been delivered, but not all the products are included. What should I do?

  • More information about a delivery.

4. Returns

  • What if I want to return all or some of the products?

5. Pick-up Points

  • Is it possible to pick up my order at a pick-up point?

6. E-mails

  • I'm not receiving any e-mails regarding my order. What's the reason for this?

Do you have a more specific question?

  • Feel free to contact us!

  •  Submit Your Question

  • E-mail:

  • Phone: +31 529-488815

- 1. Products


All products that are offered on are developed and produced for competition. This means that we don't offer warranty at these products. Ten Kate Motoren B.V. can not be held responsible for for the quality of safety or performances regarding the products.


All our orders are handled and shipped with care. Nevertheless it can occur that a product is damaged during a shipment. Please contact us if you have received a damaged or incomplete product. E-mail: or Phone: +31529-488815

- 2. Payment

There seems to be a problem with my payment, what should I do?

A payment on our website is always secure en safe. You are able to choose between different payment methods. If a payments fails for no reason, it's often an error. These errors are caused by problems at a bank or payment provider. We recommend to try the same method later. If the same problem occurs again please contact us. If a payment is not completed, the order will be canceled automatically.

If you're not sure if a payment is completed you can contact us. (+31529-488835)

Payments methods

Click here for more information about the different payment options.

- 3. Delivery

How do I know on which moment my order will be delivered?

- By each product an indication of the delivery time is shown. If a product is shipped internationally, this delivery time can deviate one or two days. After purchasing a product, a confirmation e-mail is sent with the expected delivery time. If an order contains more than one product, the longest delivery time is relevant for the entire order. If this is a problem, please send us an e-mail :

- When an order is processed and sent, you will receive an e-mail which informs you about the amount of products that is shipped. It is possible that an order will be send in multiple packages!

- An order can be tracked and traced by the systems of the party that ships the packages. As soon as the package is add to the shipping system, a track and trace e-mail is sent to the customer. This e-mail will tell you when the order is supposed to be delivered. For every single package you'll receive an individual track and trace e-mail.

The confirmation e-mail doesn't show all products?

It is possible that an order is shipped from different warehouses. The first e-mail only relates to a part of the order. In a following second (or third) e-mail the order products are confirmed.

The package I received doesn't contain all the ordered products?

At we handle our orders with care. All packages are checked on completeness. But it is possible that a human mistake is made in the process. If your order isn't complete, please send us an e-mail:

- 4. Returns

What if I want to return all or some of the products?

- We try to discribe a product as best as we can, but of course it can happen that you had different expectations of a product. (Or that you have any other reason to want to return some products or the entire order). We have a 14-day return policy, which means that you can return any* product within 14 days of receiving them. In case you want to return something after those 14 days, please contact us. Return shipping costs will always have to be paid by the customer. For any other questions regarding returns, contact us at:

*Some products cannot be returned. For example used parts or products that were specially ordered for you.

- 5. Pick-up points

Is it possible to pick up my order at a pick-up point?

Our only Ten Kate pick-up point is located in Nieuwleusen, The Netherlands. We understand that this single pick-up point is irrelevant for international orders. But if you have the possibility to visit our store, don't hesitate and experience Ten Kate Motorcycles.

- 6. E-mails

I haven't received an e-mail after ordering products at

Problems with e-mail blocks and spam-filters can occur. Some internet providers block automatically sent e-mails. This could be one of the reasons that our e-mails are blocked before they can enter your mailbox.

Another possibility for blocked e-mails is a strong spamfilter. This is changeable in the 'Settings' of your computer, tablet or smartphone. If these answers don't provide a solution, we recommend you to e-mail or call us.


Is your question net answered yet? Feel free to contact us!

Our webteam is available from Monday until Friday (9:00 AM - 6:00 PM).  

Telephone number: 0529-488835


Our team will help you as soon as possible.

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