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Privacy Statement


This website is exploited by Ten Kate Motorcycles (Nieuwleusen, Holland). Ten Kate Motorcycles can not be held responsible for damage which occurs due to incorrect information on the website.

Did you find incorrect information on our website? We would really appreciate it if you contact us. On the contact-page you can find our contact information. For problems regarding copyright we would also ask you to contact us.

All rights reserved. It is not allowed to reproduce, save (to an automated data-file) or publish anything that is found on this website without permission of Ten Kate Motorcycles, regardless if this is done electronically, mechanically, by photocopy or in any other way.

Copying any of the content found on this publication is allowed under the circumstances of article 16B Auteurswet 1927, decree 20 june 1974, St.B 351, as amended on august 23rd 1985, St.b. 471 and article 17 Auteurswet 1912, in which one is required to discharge a compensation to Ten Kate Motorcycles.

For copying parts of this publication to anthologies, readers or other compilations (article 16 Auteurswet 1912) it is required to turn to Ten Kate Motorcycles beforehand.


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The data from the contact-form on our contact-page is only going to be used to answer the asked question. The data is not stored in a database, nor send to third parties for commercial reasons.

Feel free to contact us about the information above. Ten Kate Motorcycles, Holland.