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Payment Options

To fulfill a payment on, we offer you the following payment methods:

Payment by iDEAL

Ideal payments are very safe for consumer and supplier. During the payment-process Ideal will use a secured web-environment. On the iDeal webpage, you'll have to choose a bank or financial institution. All the Dutch banks are available in iDeal.

Payments by international (or non-Dutch) banks can also be fulfilled with iDeal, if the bank has an iDeal licence. An international bank with this license is a.o. Royal Bank of Scotland.

Creditcard (MasterCard, Visa)

Often a credit-card provider offers an insurance for an online order and shipment. This can be a helpful assurance if an order is shipped internationally.


Paypal is a safe and easy way to pay at a lot of web-shops, however it is not free. When you use PayPal, you will be charged with a fee of €0,35 + 3,4% of the order value. Before you are able to fulfill a payment with Paypal, you need to open a Paypal account. This account can be used to easily transfer money to pay an order at

Ten Kate Motoren Gift Cards

If you would like to pay with a Ten Kate Gift Card, we must ask you to contact out customer service at +310529488835.

Bancontact / Mister cash

This payment method is especially for our Belgium customers.

Sofort Banking

SOFORT Banking is one of the safest payment methods on the Internet. Entry of your online banking details and of the confirmation code, occurs entirely in the secure payment form of SOFORT AG, where the webshop merchant has no access.

Klarna Pay Later

In our webshop, payment after delivery is possible with Klarna. After receiving the package you have 30 days to fulfill the payment. The entire payment proces will go through Klarna, not through Ten Kate.

Please note: by using Klarna you can order up to €500, and a service fee will be charged ( €0,75 + 2,35% of order value).

All the payment options at have a secured connection. This way it is safe to fulfill a payment!